One of Yami's biggest surprises this year is #yumei's salted egg yolk glutinous rice crockpot and lazy hotpot. Let’s talk about rice noodles first, it’s really the best salted egg yolk rice noodles I’ve ever eaten. This year, it seems that all kinds of salted egg yolk flavored snacks are very popular. As long as Yami comes out, I will buy it and try it, but my favorite taste is Yumei. This one has a strong salted egg yolk flavor, and the rice is slightly thicker but chewy. It also comes with a seal for easy storage. Lazy hot pot is also a very popular fast food this year. Especially during the epidemic, I ate a few. For me, who is not very fond of spicy food, the taste of Yumei is just right, but my family usually adds a lot of vegetables and tofu. Cook it together, it's fun to eat 😂
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今年亚米的最大惊喜之一是#与美 的咸蛋黄糯米锅巴和懒人火锅。先说锅巴,真的是我吃过最好吃的咸蛋黄锅巴,今年貌似很流行各种咸蛋黄口味的小吃,亚米只要出新我都会买来尝尝,但是最喜欢的口感还是与美的这款,浓郁的咸蛋黄味,锅巴稍厚,但是很有嚼头,还自带封口,方便保存。 懒人火锅也是今年的很流行的快捷食品吧,尤其是疫情期间,我吃了几款,对于不太能吃辣的我来说,与美的口味正好,不过我家一般会添加很多蔬菜豆腐之类一起煮,吃起来才过瘾😂