# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Finally realized the freedom of grilled cold noodles! 10 cold noodles for $2.99 It's cheap to do it yourself A local Northeast BBQ restaurant costs $7.50 for a serving of cold noodles Do it yourself, you can also add two 🥚 hoo hoo I didn't buy ham, so I had to use lunch meat instead The self-contained roasted cold noodle sauce is good and delicious. It has the taste of the old street roasted cold noodles. It's just not enough to make ten copies. Double-sided coating can make five or six copies. The rest is ready to be adjusted by yourself
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 终于实现了烤冷面自由! 10张冷面2.99刀 自己做还是很实惠的 当地一家东北烧烤店 一份儿烤冷面要7.5刀 自己动手 丰衣足食 还可以加两个🥚 吼吼 没有买到火腿肠 只好用午餐肉替代了 自带的烤冷面酱不错 挺好吃的 有以前街边烤冷面摊的味儿 就是量不足以做十份 双面涂 能做五六张吧 剩下的准备自己调调