# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # When the seasons changed, my throat was very uncomfortable for a while, so I bought some throat lozenges on Yamibuy.com I really like this peach-flavored Ryukakusan throat lozenge You can smell the medicinal smell of Ryukosan when you open the package When you eat it, it has a strong peach flavor at first. After biting open the middle of the Longjiaosan sandwich, it is a little bitter, but with the sweet hard candy, it can just neutralize it. It's cool and moisturizing.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 换季的时候,有一阵子嗓子特别不舒服,就在亚米网上买了一些润喉糖 这款水蜜桃味道的龙角散润喉糖还挺喜欢的 打开包装就能闻到龙角散的药味 吃到嘴里,先是浓浓的水蜜桃味,咬开中间的龙角散夹心,稍微有一点苦苦的,不过搭配甜甜的硬糖块,刚好可以中和一下,清凉润喉好滋味哦