# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # Yami's Surprise Restock: Honey Butter Crisps This potato chip is definitely worth repurchasing, repurchasing and repurchasing, this is the best potato chip I have eaten since I came to North America, no one 👍 Packaging has been upgraded! It used to be in ordinary small packages, and it was eaten after two times. This time, it is an extra package, 90g is added to 120g, and it is even more enjoyable to eat~ The taste is still as good as always 👌 It is very thin, has a sweet honey taste, and the butter taste is not very heavy. If you eat the whole package at once, you will feel tired, but such a big package is originally for sharing ~ with the old man Mom and dad eat together, so you won't feel like you've eaten it 😂
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yami_featured_image # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 亚米惊喜补货:蜂蜜黄油薯片 这款薯片绝对值得回购回购再回购,这是我来到北美后吃到的最好吃的一款薯片,没有之一👍 包装升级了!以前是普通小包装的,两下就吃没了,这次是加量装,90g加到120g,吃起来更加过瘾了~ 味道还是一如既往的不错👌很薄,有股甜甜的蜂蜜味,黄油味不是很重,一个人一下子吃完整包的话会感觉腻,但是这么大包本来就是要用来分享的嘛~跟老妈老爸一起分着吃,就不会觉得吃到了😂