# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # These two are the dazzling series of dehumidification and deodorization of KOKUBO from Japan Started at Yamibuy's half-price event every Friday The orange one is dedicated to the wardrobe, a pack of one, with hooks, which can be hung in the cloakroom The yellow ones are dedicated to shoes, a pack of two, which can be placed in the shoe cabinet These two types are recyclable. After a period of time, they absorb enough moisture. Put the dehumidification bag in the sun for a while, and then you can use it again. Each bag can be used for about a year after opening, which is very cost-effective.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这两款是日本KOKUBO小久保的除湿祛臭炫彩系列 是在亚米网每周五半价活动入手的 橘色的是衣柜专用,一包一个,带挂钩,可以挂在衣帽间里 黄色的是鞋子专用,一包两个,可以放在鞋柜里 这两款都是可以循环使用的,一段时间后吸足了湿气,把除湿包放在阳光下晒一会儿,就可以再次使用了,每包开封后可以使用一年左右,很划算哦