# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # Recommend a super classic hair mask for babies. This is the red bottle of Shiseido's Fino high-efficiency penetrating hair mask. Yami is now offering a new 3-pack special price. However, the version is randomly distributed in Taiwan and Japan. I received the Japanese payment. The event is still going on now~ It smells really good. The scent is also very long lasting. No need for perfume at all the next day. Use the same way as a normal hair mask. After using the shampoo. After using the hair mask. Massage for a few minutes and rinse off. And this Fino is ranked first in the Japanese Cosme Awards. It can be said to be a savior for damaged hair. Almost every girl these days has their hair permed. Straightened. So it is very important to use a hair mask for your hair. buy buy buy ~
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# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 推荐一款超级经典的发膜给宝宝们. 就是红色这瓶的资生堂旗下的Fino高效渗透护发膜. 亚米现在新推出3罐装特惠价. 不过版本有台湾和日本随机发的. 我收到的是日款. 现在活动还在继续哦~ 它的味道真的好好闻. 香味也特别持久. 第二天根本无需喷香水了. 使用方式和普通的发膜一样. 就是用完洗发水后.在用发膜. 按摩个几分钟就冲洗掉. 而且Fino这款可是日本Cosme大赏排名第一. 可以说是受损发质的救星. 如今几乎每个女孩都会去烫头发.拉直. 所以给自己的头发来一个发膜也是非常重要的. 买买买~