This Nissin instant noodles is ridiculously cheap! I regret that I only bought two packs~~ The taste of black garlic is very fragrant, but the taste is not so strong that you will not be able to talk to people after eating. And it does have the taste of pork bone noodles, and the noodles are also very strong. Add a little vegetable, beat a soft egg in it, the taste really can't be more beautiful. Such delicious and cheap Japanese noodle soup, what are you waiting for?
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这款日清的泡面简直便宜到令人发指了!后悔才买了两包~~ 黑蒜的味道很香,但味道又不冲不会让你吃后不能跟人说话。而且确实有猪骨面的味道,面也很劲道。加一点蔬菜,打一个溏心蛋在里面,味道真的是不能再美了。这么好吃又便宜的日本汤面,还等什么呢,如何不让人无限回购啊!