# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # Recently, I bought this JM Bird's Nest Mask at a discount, 9.9 for ten pieces. I feel that the price is really good value. The mask contains a lot of essence, and the moisturizing effect is also very good. The other masks of JM are also very good. It's very thin, and the fit is very good. It's not as thick as the SK2, and it always feels airtight and doesn't fit well. All in all, good value for money, will repurchase
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 最近趁着打折入了这款JM燕窝面膜,9.9十片,感觉这个价钱是真的很划算了,面膜的精华很多,保湿效果也很好,JM家其他的面膜也很好,膜布做的很薄,服帖性也很好,不像SK2那种比较厚,总感觉不透气不服贴。总之,性价比高,会回购