# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # Shiseido tsubaki Zero Second Hair Mask, No. 1 in the 2019 Cosme Shampoo and Hair Conditioning Awards 🥇 Gospel for lazy people, this windy hair mask has been planted for a long time, even if there are two cans of big red bottles at home, I can't stand the temptation and I accept it again got it! Compared with fino, it has added a lot of hair care ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, camellia essential oil, and royal jelly glycerin. It adopts a new penetration technology and can be washed with a little rubbing. It is more moisturizing than the red can. The elderly at home are afraid of complexity. It's convenient! The golden gift is also very tall!
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 资生堂tsubaki零秒发膜,2019Cosme洗发护发大赏第一名🥇懒人福音,一直被种草好久了这只狂风发膜,即使家里还有两罐大红瓶受不住诱惑的我又收了它!相对于fino添加了很多护发成分,玻尿酸、山茶花精油、蜂王浆甘油~~采用了新型渗透技术涂完稍微揉揉就可以洗了,比红罐会更滋润,家里老人怕复杂,这款妥妥的方便了!黄金闪闪的送人也特高大上!