# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # The King of the Mask World Tijia Ting Blue Pill Mask I have used several masks from the Tijia Ting brand, but my favorite is the Blue Pill. The Blue Pill focuses on super moisturizing, commonly known as a water-squeezing mask. It is the leader in the field of moisturizing masks. The effect of long-term use is better, and I haven't encountered a good price for a long time recently. Glucose and xylose in natural wood are added to enhance hydration, hyaluronic acid and seaweed extract can soothe dry skin, and the ultra-fine fiber of the mask paper is very thin , The face is also very docile, transparent and refreshing essence, light fragrance, the effect of ordinary use is very good, the price is slightly high and reluctant to use the series, every time I brush acid, I am willing to use it, superimpose RAY silver mask to strengthen moisturizing Soothing, add Laneige lip mask, and change back to water the next day when I am 18 years old! There is a black anti-counterfeiting sign on the back of the mask. You can see the small white particles of bling bling under the light of the mobile phone. Put the mask in the refrigerator for a while, and a thermometer will appear next to the black mark (it will appear when the temperature is low) and then Slowly disappearing, such a caring businessman!
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yami_featured_image # 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 面膜界的王者 蒂佳婷蓝药丸面膜 蒂佳婷牌子的面膜用过几款,最喜欢的还是蓝药丸这款,蓝药丸主打超强补水俗称挤出水面膜,补水面膜界的扛把子,也属急救面膜,瞬间锁水急救舒缓长期使用效果更佳,最近好久没碰到好价格了.添加了天然木中的葡萄糖和木糖,加强补水能力,透明质酸和海藻提取物能舒缓干燥肌肤,面膜纸超细腻的纤维很薄,上脸也很服帖,透明清爽的精华,淡淡的香味,平常普通使用效果就很赞,价格略高舍不得用系列,每次刷酸的时候才舍得拿出来用,叠合RAY银色面膜加强保湿舒缓,再加兰芝唇膜,隔天换回水当当十八岁的我!面膜背面有个防伪标志黑黑的,用手机灯照下会看到bling bling的白色小颗粒,把面膜放入冰箱一会儿,会在黑色标志旁会出现一个温度计(温度低时就会出现)然后慢慢消失,好贴心的商家!