IPSA's concealer is the first concealer that Panzi has used since she learned how to make up, and she still did a lot of homework at that time. The night cat cake, who loves to stay up late, sincerely recommends the little fairies with acne to start with this concealer, it is an artifact to cover acne . The three colors can be picked out with the attached small brush and placed in the fourth blank space for mixing. When the pimples are red and swollen like a small volcano, first use the darkest color and a little intermediate color to cover the pimples, Then use the lightest color to mix the intermediate color as the transition between concealer and base makeup. This will look more natural. I especially like the small brush that comes with it, which is very small and can accurately cover the acne area. The small brush that can be retracted Keep it clean and avoid contamination caused by repeated contact with the plate. The design is very thoughtful.️
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IPSA的遮瑕是餅子學化妝以來入的第一塊遮瑕,當時還做了好多功課. 熱愛熬夜的夜貓餅誠意推薦有痘痘的小仙女們放心入手這款遮瑕,它可是遮痘痘神器呀. 三個顏色可以用附帶的小刷子挑出來,單獨放在第四個空白格進行混合.餅子在痘痘紅腫得猶如小火山時期,是先用最深的顏色調和一點點中間色蓋住痘痘,然後用最淺色混合中間色作為遮瑕與底妝的過渡. 這樣看起來會比較自然.特別讚一下附帶的小刷子,很小一個,能精準地在痘痘範圍進行遮瑕. 可以收縮進去的小刷子保持乾淨,避免了因反覆接觸盤子而造成的污染. 設計非常貼心.️