# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # This Dr. JART Korean Blue Pill Mask, Water retention and hydration are very good. Leaves skin very smooth and elastic after application, Best for dry and cold weather like winter, Really good product for hydrating the skin. There are anti-counterfeiting stickers on the box, so you are not afraid to buy fakes. You can boldly buy it on Yami! The price is also very cheap, I recommend it to everyone.
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 這款Dr. JART 韓國藍色藥丸面膜, 保水度跟保濕度都非常得好, 敷完讓皮膚非常光滑有彈性, 最適合冬天這種又乾又冷的天氣, 真的是給皮膚補水用的好商品, 包裝盒上都有防偽的貼紙不怕買到假貨, 可以大膽的在亞米上購買喔! 價格也挺平價的,推薦給大家。