# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # The father of the child also needs to use the facial cleanser in the morning and evening. Recently, I changed him to a white mud amino acid facial cleanser from Rosette from Japan. It was also No. 1 in the COSME Awards. many series. The pink one I chose for him is a moisturizing type. I think it is more suitable for autumn and winter. Of course, men’s skin needs to be hydrated at all times. The texture of this cleanser is rather thick. Add a little water in the palm of your hand and rub it a few times before putting it on your face. You will find that its cleaning power is very strong. A grizzled face of being out all day. It can be cleaned for you. It's really more suitable for boys' "thick skin" hahahaha. Just kidding. And the face doesn't feel tight after washing. Like I said earlier. This one is a moisturizing type. He said that after washing it, it was very moisturizing. Very recommended. You can get it for 6.99~
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 孩子爸爸也需要早晚使用洗面奶. 最近给他换了款日本Rosette的白泥氨基酸洗面奶. 在COSME大赏中也曾是第一位哦. 很多个系列. 我帮他选的这款粉色的是属于保湿型. 我觉得比较适合秋冬. 男生的皮肤当然也是要时刻注意保湿的哦. 这款这款洗面奶的质地比较厚实. 加一点水在手心先打搓几下再上脸比较好. 你会发现它的清洁力度非常强. 一整天在外的灰头泥脸. 都能给你洗的干干净净. 真的比较适合男生的“皮厚”哈哈哈哈.开个小玩笑. 而且洗完脸部不会紧绷. 像我刚才说的.这款是保湿型的. 他说洗完还特别的滋润了. 蛮推荐的.6.99就能拿下哦~