# 高颜值美食 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation82863cc6339747a6525d7f As a deep milk tea control Can't resist the temptation of this bubble tea snack What's more, the outside is still soft mochi. I have eaten bubble tea ice cream and bubble tea pineapple cake before It's all delicious Babies who like those two snacks can close their eyes and enter this mochi There are about eight mochi in a big bag Each capsule is individually packaged, very convenient and not easy to eat too much at one time There are cute spots on the packaging, I feel better when I hold it in my hand You can smell the strong milk tea aroma when you open the package It smells similar to other bubble tea snacks Take a bite, the soft mochi is wrapped in the sweet milk tea filling It won't feel too sweet or too greasy. After eating it, burping is milk tea flavor hahaha A bag can solve the craving of milk tea eight times The price is still very high!
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# 高颜值美食 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 作为一名深度奶茶控 根本无法抵挡这种珍珠奶茶零食的诱惑 更何况外面还是软软的麻薯耶 之前吃过了珍珠奶茶雪糕和珍珠奶茶凤梨酥 都觉得好好吃呀 喜欢那两款零食的宝宝们可以闭眼入这款麻薯了 一大包里大概有八颗mochi 每颗都有单独包装哦 非常方便也不容易一次吃太多 包装上有可爱的斑点 拿在手里心情就已经好起来了 打开包装就能闻到浓浓的奶茶香 闻起来和其他珍珠奶茶的零食其实差不多 一口咬下去 软绵绵的麻薯包裹着香甜的奶茶内馅 不会觉得太甜太腻 吃完之后打嗝都是奶茶味哈哈哈 一包可以解奶茶的馋八次 性价比还是很高的!