# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Toast to you with a glass of Kvass 🍻 The first time I drank Kvass was when I was traveling in the Northeast. I haven't had a drink for a few years now, so I quickly ordered a bottle when I saw Yami's. Kvass is made from fermented bread made of wheat/rye/barley, containing lactic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide, with a sweet and sour taste and full of bubbles. Kvass in the northeast should have been introduced from Russia, which was originally a traditional drink in Eastern Europe. It's a pity that I haven't seen it in American supermarkets. I think this taste is sweet and sour, as well as the smell of bread, it should be very popular with the public! Friends who haven't tried it must try it!
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 敬你一杯格瓦斯🍻 我第一次喝格瓦斯还是在大东北旅游的时候,当时就觉得非常惊喜,酸酸甜甜,有浓郁的面包香味,而且气泡丰富,大夏天来一瓶,过瘾!现在有几年没喝过了,这次看见亚米有就赶紧下单一瓶。 格瓦斯是用小麦/黑麦/大麦做成的面包发酵制成,含有乳酸,醋酸和二氧化碳,口感酸酸甜甜,气泡充盈。东北的格瓦斯应该是俄国传入的,这原本是东欧的传统饮料。但很可惜在美国超市没见到过。 我觉得这个口味酸酸甜甜,还有面包香味,应该很受大众欢迎!没有喝过的朋友一定要试一下!