# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # My favorite konjac cool is this one from Weilong. There are three flavors: spicy, pickled pepper, and spicy. Konjac, also known as konjac, is a miraculous diet food. Konjac Shuang should be regarded as a low-calorie snack. The only downside is that it is too spicy. Its spiciness order is Spicy > Mala > Pickled Pepper. No matter which one, it is beyond my tolerance, but it is too fragrant, spicy and unstoppable. Sometimes when I get hungry, I accidentally eat five packets. . . It would be great if there is a non-spicy konjac refreshing.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 我最喜欢的魔芋爽,就是卫龙的这款了。口味有麻辣,泡椒,香辣三种。 魔芋又叫蒟蒻,是一种神奇的减肥食品。魔芋爽应该算是低卡零食。 唯一的缺点就是太辣了。 它的辣度排序是香辣>麻辣>泡椒。 无论哪款,都超出我的承受范围,但是它又太香了,又辣又停不住。 有时候饿了,会一不小心吃掉五包。。。 如果有一款不辣的魔芋爽该多好。