# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Among the snacks I've tasted recently, Gaga Mouth Shredded Vegetarian Steak can be ranked No. 1. The barbecue flavor I bought, the seasoning of the quack mouth is getting better and better, this vegetarian meat is better than the one I have eaten before. First, the taste is good enough, it is not difficult to bite, but it is not too rotten, and it is very enjoyable to eat. Second, I like it on the sweet side. It is full of bean flavor, and it is accompanied by a rich sauce. It really feels like eating meat. Yami is 7.99 for a big box, and there are spicy and black duck flavors. I want to try the black duck flavor next time. Taking pictures outside the flower bed, a little American boy ran over and asked me curiously what it was. I gave him a slice and let him taste our delicious food, haha.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 在我近期品尝的零食里嘎嘎嘴手撕素大牛排可以排No 1。 我买的烧烤味,嘎嘎嘴的调味越来越好了,这款素肉比以前吃过的都好。 第一,口感够Q弹,既不难咬,又不过烂,吃起来特别过瘾。 第二,我喜欢的偏甜口,豆香满满,配上浓郁酱汁,真有种吃肉的感觉。 亚米7.99一大盒,还有香辣味和黑鸭味,下次想尝黑鸭味。 在外面花坛边拍照,一个美国小男孩跑过来好奇的问我这是啥,我就给了他一片,让他尝尝我们的美味,哈哈。