# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # This Daoxiangcun's brown sugar sachima is really delicious and highly recommended. There are two flavors: original flavor and brown sugar. I have tasted the original flavor before. The brown sugar I bought this time costs 6.49 per box on Yami. A box weighs 16 yuan and is very cost-effective. Bought it for breakfast. When you bite into it, it is moderately soft and hard, and the rich brown sugar and sesame fragrance blows your face. This brown sugar flavor is strong, and the original egg flavor is heavier. Personally, I prefer the brown sugar flavor. The biggest feature is that the taste is soft and glutinous, not sticky to the teeth, and the water is also very sufficient. Unlike some sachima, the taste is not good. The whole sachima is wrapped in honey. A piece of calories is 130, which is not particularly high. However, it is generally sweet, characteristic of brown sugar products.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 这款稻香村的黑糖沙琪玛真的灰常好吃,强烈推荐。 口味分原味和黑糖两种,之前尝过原味,这次买的黑糖,亚米上6.49一盒,一盒有一磅重,有16块,性价比很高。 买来当早餐。一口咬下去,软硬适中,浓郁的黑糖和芝麻香扑面而来。这款黑糖味浓郁,原味的蛋香味更重,个人还是更喜欢黑糖口味。 最大特色是口感软糯不粘牙,水分也很充足,不像有的沙琪玛干巴巴的,口感不好。蜜糖包裹了整个沙琪玛。一块的卡路里是130,也不是特别高。不过总体偏甜,黑糖产品的特色。