# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Well, it's the taste of my childhood - braised bamboo shoots in Shanghai oil. As a half Shanghainese, I love to eat bamboo shoots since I was a child. But fresh bamboo shoots are really hard to eat in the United States. I really want to strongly recommend this Shanghai Bamboo Bamboo Shoot, it really suits my taste. 280g, full of a large box, the price on Yami is only 3.69, the price is too high. At first, I was worried about whether the taste would be too salty, or whether the bamboo shoots would be old. After one bite, I really had no worries. Its taste is really 100% to my taste, sweet, slightly soy sauce umami, the size of the bamboo shoots is just right, especially easy to eat. The key is that each bamboo shoot is super tender, which is really a long-lost taste! ! ! A large box can be eaten as a full meal, and it is also perfect for a small friend to come to make an appetizer. Now it is out of stock, and I will wait for the replenishment.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 嗯,是小时候的味道-上海油焖笋。 作为半个上海人,从小爱吃笋。不过新鲜的笋在美国真的挺难吃到的。我真的要强烈推荐这款上海油焖笋,实在和我的口味太契合了。 280g,满满一大盒,亚米上价格只要3.69,性价比太高了。一开始还挺担心口味会不会太咸,或者笋会不会老,一口下去,真是什么担忧都没有了。 它的口味真是100%合我胃口,甜口,微微的酱油鲜味,笋的大小切的恰到好处,特别易入口。关键是笋每一根都超级嫩,真是久违的口感啊!!! 一大盒完全可以当饭吃吃饱,有小伙伴来了做前菜也特别完美,现在缺货了,坐等补货。