# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Originally wanted to buy Korean CJ's BBQ BBQ sauce. But it's out of stock. So I bought this Korean WANG sauce. The full name is Roast Beef Sauce with Pear Sauce. The reviews are also good. I specially used it to marinate the ribs today. Then coat it with flour and fry it. The finished product is so delicious~ Talk about its taste. This sauce is rather sweet. The juice is very thin. I would recommend stirring it when you use it. Let it taste evenly. It can also make a variety of dishes. You can eat it directly. It can also be marinated like I did. Can also be used to fry noodles. Do similar to pasta. But if I compare it to CJ, I should like CJ more haha. But Wang's is also good. If you are interested, you can try it.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 本来想买韩国CJ的BBQ烤肉酱的.奈何断货. 于是就买了这款韩国WANG酱汁. 全名是梨汁烤牛肉酱. 好评也是很好. 今天特意用它腌制了排骨. 然后再裹粉拿去炸. 出来的成品好吃到不行~ 说说它的口感. 这款酱汁口味比较偏甜. 汁很稀.我会建议用的时候搅拌一下. 让其味道均匀一些. 这款也是能制作多种美食. 可以直接蘸着吃. 也可以像我这样拿去腌制. 也能用来炒面条.做类似拌意面. 不过要是跟CJ对比的话 我应该更喜欢CJ哈哈. 但是Wang这款也不错. 有兴趣可以试试哦.