# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Lee Kum Kee Spicy Douban Sauce x Northeast Big Chaos Stew. Yami's Lee Kum Kee Spicy Douban Sauce has an excellent effect of freshening up. Those who don't usually eat spicy can use less, and the taste is very good. There was a Northeastern restaurant in the city where I used to live, and the Northeastern Stew was especially delicious. After I moved, I couldn’t eat it anymore, so I decided to make it myself. menu 🌟 Rinse pork ribs with water, saute onion and ginger until fragrant and deep fry until golden brown. 🌟Add water, add one set as usual: onion ginger garlic star anise cinnamon fennel old soy sauce light soy sauce oyster sauce cooking wine, start to stew pork ribs. 🌟Potatoes, green beans, eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms are pre-fried and deep-fried until they are seven mature. 🌟The eggplant can be marinated with salt in advance, so that it can absorb less oil. 🌟 Put the fried vegetables (except tomatoes) into the ribs and stew together, add a small amount of Lee Kum Kee spicy bean paste, sugar and salt to taste. 🌟Pay attention to controlling the amount of water, and add tomatoes at the end before harvesting the juice.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 李锦记辣豆瓣酱x东北大乱炖。亚米的李锦记辣豆瓣酱提鲜效果极佳,平时不吃辣的亲们可以少放点,口感很好。 以前住的城市有家东北餐馆,东北大乱炖做的尤其好吃,搬了家之后再也吃不到了,于是决定自己做。 菜谱 🌟排骨过水,葱姜爆香之后油炸至表面金黄。 🌟加水,常规加一套:葱姜蒜八角桂皮茴香老抽生抽蚝油料酒,开始炖排骨。 🌟土豆、四季豆、茄子、西红柿、蘑菇预先油炸,炸至七成熟。 🌟茄子事先可以用盐腌制一下,这样吸油可以少一些。 🌟把炸好的蔬菜(西红柿除外)放进排骨里一起炖,加入少量李锦记辣豆瓣酱、糖、盐调味。 🌟注意控制水量,大火收汁之前最后加入西红柿。