# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Yami Haidilao grilled fish with tomato base. There are just a few big fish in the refrigerator at home, all of which are drums caught a while ago. The color of this fish is very beautiful, but unfortunately there is always an earthy smell of river fish, so I wondered if it would be better to make grilled fish. Facts have proved that the effect is not bad. With better and fresher fish, the basic taste is the same as in a restaurant. Basic ingredients: 1-2 pounds of fish, Haidilao tomato base purchased by Yami, various side dishes. Production Method: 1. After the live fish is processed, cut it in half from the abdomen, lay it flat, add onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, and marinate. Usually 1-2 hours. 2. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. 3. Pour in oil, fry various ingredients until half cooked, add Haidilao tomato and fry until cooked. I used enoki mushrooms, hot pot bean skin, corn, peas, tomatoes. If you like, you can also add fat beef, potatoes, lotus root slices, I always add it in the restaurant. 4. Pour the ingredients over the fish and continue to bake for ten minutes. taste: Sweet and sour, all kinds of side dishes combined with fresh fish are delicious. Those who love spicy food can use spicy base. The meat of the drum I used is relatively average and the taste is ok. I will try another type of fish next time.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 亚米海底捞番茄底料版烤鱼。 家里冰箱里刚好有几条大鱼,都是前阵子钓的drum。这种鱼颜色很好看,可惜总有一种河鱼的土腥味,就想着做烤鱼会不会好些。事实证明,效果还不错。如果用更好更新鲜的鱼,那基本口味跟餐馆无异了。 基本食材: 1-2磅的鱼一条,亚米购入的海底捞番茄底料,各种配菜。 制作方法: 1.活鱼处理好之后,从腹部一剖两半,平铺,加葱、姜、料酒、盐、生抽,进行腌制。一般1-2小时。 2.烤箱400度烤制30min。 3.倒油,各种配料炒到半熟,加海底捞番茄料炒熟。我用了金针菇,火锅豆皮,玉米,豌豆,西红柿。喜欢的话还可以加肥牛、土豆、藕片,在餐厅我每次都加。 4.把配料浇到鱼上,继续烤十分钟。 口味: 酸甜可口,各种配菜融合了鱼鲜,好吃到爆。爱吃辣的小伙伴可以用香辣底料。我用的这个drum肉质比较一般,口味是ok的,下次换一种鱼试一试。