# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Yami's new product launched last month is a nutritional meal replacement milkshake from QQfamily and Wonderlab. Mainly low calorie but high protein. There are so many flavors, I was dazzled by the sight, so I blindly chose a few bottles. In this article, let’s talk about the white can first. The taste is warm milk tea. After soaking it in warm water, drink it directly. The feeling of milk tea with less sugar is similar. After drinking it, you will feel full and full. It is really suitable for people like me who want to lose weight every day, but are hungry again😂
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 上个月入的亚米新品,来自QQfamily和Wonderlab合作的营养代餐奶昔。主打少卡路里但是高蛋白质。口味非常多,看的我眼花缭乱,于是就盲选了几瓶,这篇先来说说白色这罐,口味是暖暖奶茶味,用暖水泡开以后,直接喝,这款味道还行,和奶茶少糖那种感觉差不多,喝完饱腹感很足,真的很适合我这种天天喊减肥的人,但是肚子又饿的人😂