# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Delicious Dabeng Crispy - Rice Crispy Rice with Sweet Salted Egg Yolk. Yumei's salted egg yolk glutinous rice crockpot is really the best crockpot I have ever eaten, and it is my favorite snack recently. The evaluation on Yami is also super super, and the friends are stunned by his deliciousness. I have always liked to eat rice noodles, especially glutinous rice rice noodles. I've tried several of them before, but it's not the ideal flavor, but this one is fragrant, crispy, and non-sticky, full of the aroma of glutinous rice, which is really rare. Salted egg yolk should be liked by many people. The salted egg yolk on it can achieve a rich taste, but there is no egg yolk smell at all. In addition to being crispy, it can also taste a hint of fresh sweetness and rich taste. The packaging is also very good, with a seal, you can seal it up if you can't finish it, but the seal on my package is broken, 囧. A pack of 2.99, one person can't finish it at one time, if two people divide it, it's just right.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 美味哒蹦脆-与美咸蛋黄锅巴。 与美这款咸蛋黄糯米锅巴真是我吃过最好吃的锅巴,近期最爱的零食就是它。亚米上的评价也超级超级好,小伙伴们都被他的美味惊呆了。 一直很喜欢吃锅巴,尤其是糯米锅巴。之前吃过好几款都不是理想的风味,而这款锅巴又香,又脆,又不粘牙,充满糯米的米香,真是太难得了。咸蛋黄应该很多人喜欢,它上面的咸蛋黄能做到滋味浓郁,却丝毫没有蛋黄腥味。香脆之余,还能品出一丝丝鲜甜味,口感丰富。 包装也很好,有封条,吃不完可以封起来,不过我这包封条是坏的,囧。一包2.99,一个人一次吃不完,两个人分的话刚刚好。