# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 🌶️ Spicy and more kelp shreds, spicy and spicy, a small snack to eat while watching variety shows, a small plate of spicy and spicy, the weight is just right. The shredded kelp is full and crunchy and of good quality. 🌶️Spicy is good at tearing gluten, spicy flavor + comprehensive package super delicious gluten! Better than Weilong spicy strips. Opened a package of comprehensive packaging, which has barbecue flavor, garlic flavor, and spicy flavor. I like the scent of garlic the most. It is a little spicy, and it is sprinkled with spices. It is fragrant and delicious. It is also a good companion for watching dramas. The barbecue taste is also slightly spicy, and the spicy taste is not too spicy, and they are very chewy and very good for teething.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 🌶️麻辣多拿海带丝,香辣味 一边看综艺一边吃的佐餐小零食,香香辣辣一小盘,分量正合适。海带丝口感充实而且脆脆的,质量很好。 🌶️麻辣多拿手撕面筋,麻辣味+综合装 超级好吃的面筋!胜过卫龙辣条。开了一包综合装,里面有烧烤味,蒜香味,麻辣味。最喜欢蒜香味,一丢丢辣,上面洒满香料,又香又入味,也是看剧好伴侣。烧烤味也是微辣,麻辣味也不会辣到过分,都嚼劲十足非常练牙。