# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Pocky Almond Chocolate Chip is a decorative cookie from Glico, Japan. The style of Pocky is that the long biscuits are coated with various flavors of sauce, and sometimes they are dipped in some chopped nuts or fruits, such as this one today. Glico's full name is Ezaki Glico Co. Ezaki Glico Co., the snack and pastry tycoon, Pocky, Baiol and Pretz are all small snacks from snacks to big ones, all produced by his family. Flavors: Chocolate, Almond It looked as long as a pen, and the almonds were distinct. Take it out and ask, the aroma of chocolate is blowing. The taste is crunchy and crunchy. The chocolate flavor is strong and the almond flavor is full. It is neither too sweet nor too dry. The calories are slightly high, so it is not recommended for a late night snack. There are two packs in each box, and each pack contains six sticks, which is not enjoyable every time. The refreshing and mellow Pocky Almond Chocolate Crisp Bar is something you deserve. Tip: To avoid direct sunlight and long time in the car, the chocolate will melt and several sticks will stick together.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 百奇杏仁巧克力脆棒是日本格力高公司的一款装饰饼干。百奇的风格是长条饼干外涂抹了各种口味的酱,有的时候上面还会蘸上一些碎坚果或水果,就比如今天晒的这款。 格力高全名江崎格力高公司Ezaki Glico Co.,零食糕点大亨,百奇,百醇和百力滋都是从小吃到大的小零食,都是他家生产的。 口味:巧克力,杏仁 看上去一根有一支笔那么长,杏仁颗粒粒粒分明。拿出来问一问,巧克力香气扑面而来。口感是脆脆的,嘎嘣嘎嘣的。 巧克力味很浓郁,杏仁味也很饱满。吃起来既不会觉得太过甜腻,也不会觉得太干。 热量略高,不建议当宵夜。每盒里面有两包,每包六根,每次都觉得不过瘾。爽利醇郁的百奇杏仁巧克力脆棒,你值得拥有。 Tip:要避免太阳直射和长时间放在车里,巧克力会化掉,几个棒子还会黏在一起。