# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Stir-fried Flower Branches with Lee Kum Kee XO Sauce It is inconvenient to buy Chinese-style sauces in a small village, so many condiments are purchased on Yami, such as Lee Kum Kee's XO sauce. Now it seems that there is only the super spicy one, the price is 12.29, 80g. XO sauce is a very versatile sauce, whether it is tofu, seafood or vegetables, put a small spoonful of umami and it will go up. XO sauce is almost always the same. Every Cantonese restaurant tastes different, and every brand tastes different. I have tasted a total of four before and after, and I still like Lee Kum Kee the most. Here I share an XO Shrimp and Fungus Fried Flower Branches. Food preparation: Four pieces of squid and a box of shrimp were purchased from the WinCo supermarket next to our house. A box of fungus. Lee Kum Kee XO sauce. Onion, sauce. specific methods: 1. Cut the squid into small pieces. 2. Put oil, add onion, sauce, XO sauce, add shrimp and squid and stir fry. Add some water and add the fungus. Some of the squid slices could not be rolled up this time, maybe the squid slices were thicker, but the overall taste was quite delicious.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 李锦记XO酱炒花枝 小村子买中式酱料不方便,所以很多调料都在亚米上购入,例如李锦记这款XO酱。 现在貌似只有特辣那款,价格12.29,80g。 XO酱是一种特别百搭的酱料,无论是豆腐、海鲜还是蔬菜,放一小勺鲜味就up up。 XO酱几乎一家一味,每家粤菜馆味道都不同,每个品牌味道都不一样。 前前后后一共尝过四款,还是最喜欢李锦记的。 这里分享一道XO鲜虾木耳炒花枝。 食材准备: 鱿鱼四大片,虾一盒,购自家旁边的WinCo超市。 木耳一盒。 李锦记XO酱。 葱、酱。 具体做法: 1.鱿鱼切花刀,再切成小块。 2.放油,加葱、酱、XO酱,倒入虾和鱿鱼爆炒。加点水,放入木耳。 这次有部分鱿鱼片没能卷起来,可能鱿鱼片比较厚,不过总体口味相当鲜美。