# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 👉 Yumei jelly The white packaging is quite elegant, but the inside is full of heavy weight. The bowl-shaped jelly is placed in the box, just flip it upside down on the plate, pour the sauce on it, and it’s ready to eat. It takes a total of one minute, which is super convenient. There are a total of three kinds of ingredients in it, which are chili oil packet, seasoning packet and vinegar. I also cut some chopped green onion to garnish, and red oil and green onion are super appetizing at first glance. Dig a spoonful with a spoon, white and tender and full of elasticity. One taste, wow, so delicious. The jelly is extremely soft and glutinous, the texture is tight, and the product alone is sweet. Although the red oil is very fragrant, it is only slightly spicy, which is especially suitable for me. The seasoning package is the finishing touch, which makes the noodles especially delicious. Ah, I am back to the days of eating jelly at the Confucius Temple.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 👉与美凉粉 白色包装相当淡雅,里面却沉甸甸的分量十足。碗状的凉粉放在盒子里,只要倒扣到盘子上,淋上酱汁就可以食用了,总共耗时一分钟,超级方便。 里面一共配了三种料包,分别是辣油包,调料包和醋,我又切了点葱花点缀,红油配青葱,一看就超有食欲。用勺子挖一勺,白白嫩嫩弹性十足。一尝,哇,太美味了。 凉粉软糯无比,质地紧密,单独品是甜甜的。红油虽然很香,却只是微辣,特别适合我,调料包是点睛之笔,让粉变的特别鲜美,啊,我又回到了在夫子庙吃凉粉的日子。