# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I bought a Costco roast chicken two days ago. I ate the original chicken legs and wings for the first meal, and I finished the Liupo Oil Spicy Chicken Shredded Salad in the second meal, and there was a chicken skeleton left. In the comments on the cold shredded chicken, there is a baby who said that the chicken skeleton can be cooked in soup and vegetables, which is exactly what I want, so the chicken noodle soup is cooked. The noodles are Youbaifa plain noodles bought by Yami. In fact, they are Japanese noodles. They have a slender body. I rarely eat noodles, and it took me a long time to eat a bundle. This time, the chicken noodle soup cooked by the chicken frame is unexpectedly delicious, I love it so much. specific methods: 1. The chicken bones were chopped into pieces, and there was still a bit of meat on it. I tore it off, and finally put it into the soup. 2. Add water to boil the soup, I poured all the chicken skin and chicken oil left in the box. After cooking for ten or twenty minutes, the taste is very rich, it is really a broth. 3. First add fish tofu, fish balls, small sausage, egg tofu, then add noodles and lettuce, and cook for another five minutes. 4. Finally, add a bit of Liupo oil and spicy seeds to keep it fresh. In the end, I found that the noodle soup was a little less and added some water. The taste is really delicious, a big bowl of noodles made me eat very much, and the soup at the bottom of the bowl was very rich, but I was too full to drink it. The 4.99 roast chicken for three meals is also too cost-effective, and I plan to buy roast chicken often in the future.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 前两天买了Costco烤鸡,第一顿吃完原味的鸡腿鸡翅,第二顿吃完了六婆油泼辣子凉拌鸡丝,还剩一个鸡骨架。在凉拌鸡丝的评论里有宝宝说鸡骨架可以熬汤煮菜,正合我意,于是乎鸡汤面煮起。 面是亚米买的友白发素面,其实是日本面条,身型细长,平时我很少吃面,吃了很久才吃掉一捆。这次鸡架煮的鸡汤面意外的好吃,太爱了。 具体做法: 1.鸡骨架剁成块,上面还有一点肉我撕下来了,最后再放进汤里。 2.加水熬汤,我把盒子里剩的鸡皮鸡油啥的都倒进去了。煮了十几二十分钟吧,味道就很浓郁了,真是高汤。 3.先加了鱼豆腐,鱼丸,小香肠,蛋豆腐,再加入面和生菜,又煮了五分钟。 4.最后加了一丢丢六婆油泼辣子提鲜。 最后发现面汤有点少又补了点水。味道真的很鲜美,一大碗面把我吃的非常撑,碗底的汤头特别浓郁,不过太饱了实在喝不下了。4.99的烤鸡三吃也太划算了,以后打算经常买烤鸡了。