# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Noodles with scallion oil🍜, a fragrant lazy lunch Yumei's things are really delicious, and this scallion oil noodles is no exception. Although I don't eat a lot of noodles, I still stock up on this noodles. After all, there are sauces and ingredients, and it's good to be hungry as a late night snack. After cooking today, I realized that I forgot to cook. . . Couldn't wait so I cooked it. Its chopped green onion buns are actually chopped and fried to crispy, so I fry some green onions symbolically. Because I only use it as a staple food, I only make the beggar version. I usually fry a poached egg and add some chicken balls and vegetables. It is also very good.
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 与美葱油拌面🍜,香喷喷的懒人午餐 与美的东西真的都超好吃,这款葱油拌面也不例外。 虽然吃面不多,但是这款面我还是囤着的。毕竟有酱有料,当个夜宵抵个饿很不错。 今天做完菜发现忘记烧饭了。。。等不及了于是煮了它。它的葱花料包其实是把葱切碎了炸成酥的,于是我又象征性的煎了点葱。 因为只把它当主食,所以只做了乞丐版,平时煎个荷包蛋加点鸡肉丸和蔬菜也很不错。