# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # The cotton repurchased wireless repurchase has really been used for many years. Every time it is a special price, I desperately stock up, and the price of Yami is super. Really useful and practical. Whether you put on makeup or remove makeup, you can do it with a wet compress. And the price is also very good, the value for money is really super high. This is very famous, I recommend it!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 无线回购的化妆棉,真的用了很多年了。每次都是特价的时候拼命囤,亚米的价格超级棒。真的很好用,也是实用。不管上妆卸妆,湿敷,都能搞定。而且价格也很好,性比价真的超级高。这款很出名的,推荐!