# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Amy on. My favorite is Japan's POPCAN Disney lollipops. Very tasty. Moderate sweetness. One can really eat for a long time. (If you don't bite it) One of my favorites is the peach flavor of Winnie the Pooh. I really can't resist the peach flavor/scent. I bought 4 to try this time. The taste is different. There are cola. Fruit and so on. A 0.99. Then Yami can't choose the flavor. All are shipped randomly. I don't like this. Although I have eaten every taste so far, I like it. But I still have a favorite flavor. I hope Yami can let us choose for ourselves~
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 亚米上. 我最喜欢的就是日本的POPCAN迪士尼棒棒糖. 非常好吃. 甜度适中. 一根真的可以吃好久.(如果不去咬的话) 其中我最喜欢的就是维尼熊的蜜桃味. 我真的是对水蜜桃口味/香味无法抗拒. 我这次买了4根尝试. 味道都不一样.有可乐的.水果的等. 一根0.99. 然后亚米上不能选择口味. 都是随机出货的. 这点我不喜欢. 虽然吃到现在每一种口味我都很喜欢. 但是我还是有特别喜欢的口味. 希望亚米可以让我们自己选择呀~