# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Snacks for the kids today are: Nippon Marukyo Confectionary · Assorted Mini Cakes This Japanese-style cake is delicious~ There are 18 mini pastries in a pack. are individually packaged There are 5 flavors in total. However, the taste of the coating on the outside is actually the same. It's just that the stuffing inside has no taste. The sweetness is pretty close. The cake is fluffy. We all love it. With some milk. Perfect~
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 今天给孩子们准备的小点心是: 日本丸京菓子庵·什锦迷你糕点 这个日式小糕点很好吃哦~ 一包里面含有18枚迷你糕点呢. 都是独立包装 一共有5种口味. 不过外面的裹着那层味道其实都一样. 只是里面的内馅是不用口味的. 甜度都蛮接近的. 蛋糕很松软.我们都很喜欢. 配点牛奶.完美~