# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # I remember the first time I used a Shiseido hair mask, I bought it at Yami... but the first variety was the Shiseido golden one, and after I used two cans, I found this, well, it was It's cheaper. I just bought it and tried it out, and found that this one works better than the golden one (for individuals), so since 2018, I have been buying this hair mask from Yami... I love the smell... I use it myself, and I also buy it for My mom uses it, and my mom also thinks this one is more comfortable, tastes better, and works better (for personal evaluation).
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# 亚米年度美妆大赏 # 我记得我第一次用资生堂的发膜,是在亚米买的…但是第一个品种是资生堂金色的那种,在我用了两罐之后,我发现了这款,好吧,当时这款比较便宜。我就买来试试,发现这款比金色的好用(针对个人),所以从2018年开始,我就一直在亚米买这款发膜…喜欢这个味道…我自己用,我还买给我妈用,我妈也觉得这款更舒服,味道更好,更好用(针对个人评价)。