# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # The aroma health pot is the first finished product, boiled fruit! There are elderly people in the family who have a bad stomach. Eating a lot of fruit often makes the stomach uncomfortable. It is said that boiled apples are more effective than raw ones. The nutrients in apples are more easily absorbed by people, and they can also treat various diseases. Cooked apples can stimulate the intestines. The growth of probiotics can reduce the irritation to the stomach, make the stomach healthier, lower blood lipids, and provide anti-oxidation. It has many functions. Cut half an apple and half a pear into small pieces and add water, set 14. After cooking, a few roses are thrown to add aroma. The fruit is very soft after being cooked, because the pear is added to increase the sweetness. If you put an apple alone, it will be a little sour. , After adding pears, the sweet and sour taste is very good, and my mother is very satisfied! The home is very dry with the heating on, this sugar water is moisturizing enough! The health pot is really convenient, and you don't need to guard it by throwing the material directly in, freeing your hands! It's like cooking millet porridge tomorrow morning! Cleaning is also very convenient. With this thing, there is another study!
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # aroma养生壶首次成品,煮水果!家有老人胃不好,吃多水果经常胃不舒服,煮着吃据说功效比生吃更高,苹果中的营养更容易被人吸收,还能治疗多种疾病,煮熟苹果可以刺激肠内益生菌的生长,减少对胃的刺激,让肠胃更健康,还能降血脂,抗氧化~~功能多多 半颗苹果半颗梨切小块加水,14档,煮好后丢了几多玫瑰花添加了香气,水果煮熟后很软,因为放了梨增加了甜度,单放苹果的话会有点酸,加了梨后酸酸甜甜的很好入口,老妈很满意!家里开着暖气干燥的很,这糖水够滋润!养生壶真的方便很多,直接材料扔进去不用守着,解放双手!明早似下煮小米粥!清洗也很方便,有了这玩意这下又有的研究了!