# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #haidilao spicy vegetarian self-cooked small hot pot A few days ago, I saw that this Haidilao vegetarian self-service small hot pot was on sale. The original price was $9.39, and the price was $3.29. I did not hesitate to place the order. After receiving the goods, I couldn’t wait to open it and try the taste. Very nice! This vegetarian hot pot contains four ingredients: two marinated dehydrated vegetable packets, one spicy hot pot base packet, and one vermicelli packet. The dehydrated vegetable packet contains 5 kinds of vegetables: lotus root slices, potato slices, fungus slices, Seaweed slices, bamboo shoot slices, spicy hot pot base package and Haidilao's Qingyou spicy hot pot base taste very similar (maybe the same), as well as a delicate and compact disposable tableware package (a pair of folding chopsticks 🥢, a fork, a spoon, a piece of paper towel). Self-cooking small hot pot has become very popular in recent years, because it is very convenient. One person can cook a small hot pot at home without using pots and pans. Everything is prepared for you. It only takes 15 minutes to start eating, which is very convenient. . This Haidilao vegetarian hot pot is no exception. It uses a non-dyeing environmentally friendly material inner box, and there is a buffer washer at the bottom to protect the table from being scalded. It is safe, worry-free and convenient to use! The operation steps are as follows: 1. Open the lid, put two dehydrated vegetable bags and vermicelli into the upper lunch box, slowly pour the bottom material bag, and add mineral water to the mark; 2. Tear off the transparent outer tape of the heating pack, put it into the bottom box, add a cup of cold water to the water filling line or 2/3 below the heating pack; 3. Put the upper inner box into the bottom box, cover the box, and the heating pack starts to heat. After 12-15 minutes, the hot pot is completed; 4. Open the lid, stir evenly, and the fragrant hot pot can be started! The portion of this small hot pot is enough for one person. If you want to eat for two, you can add more vegetables and meat. I added fat beef, kissing intestines, oyster mushrooms, old tofu, oily tofu, vermicelli, etc. , a big pot full, enough to feed two people! Babies who like to eat hot pot but don't want to wash dishes and cook pots may wish to try this self-heating small hot pot! # 今日份家常菜 #
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #海底捞香辣素菜自煮小火锅🍲省心到家的美味小火锅 前几天看到这款海底捞素菜自助小火锅正在秒杀,原价9.39刀,秒杀价3.29刀,毫不犹豫地下单啦,收到货后迫不及待地打开试了下口味,如期待的那样火锅味道非常地不错! 这款素食小火锅含有四个料包: 两个腌过的脱水蔬菜包、一个香辣火锅底料包、一包粉丝,脱水蔬菜包里含有5种蔬菜:莲藕片、土豆片、木耳片、海带片、竹笋片,香辣火锅底料包和海底捞的清油麻辣火锅底料味道非常接近(可能一样),还有一个精致小巧的一次性餐具包(一双折叠筷子🥢、一把叉子、一个勺子、一块纸巾)。 自煮小火锅近几年来特别流行,因为非常方便,一个人在家就可以煮个小火锅,不用锅碗瓢盆,什么都给你准备好,只需要15分钟就可以开吃了,非常的方便。这款海底捞的素食小火锅也不例外,采用无染色环保材料内盒,底部还有缓冲垫圈,保护桌面不被烫伤,用起来安心、省心、方便! 操作步骤如下: 1. 打开盖子,将两个脱水蔬菜包和粉丝放入上层餐盒,将底料包慢慢倒入,加矿泉水至刻度线; 2. 将加热包的透明外带撕掉,放入底层的盒子,加入一杯凉水至注水线处或没过加热包2/3处; 3. 将上层内盒放入底层盒子,盖上盒盖,加热包就开始加热了, 12-15分钟后,火锅完成; 4. 打开盖子,搅拌均匀,香喷喷的小火锅就可以开始启用啦! 这个小火锅的菜的分量足够一个人吃饱,如果想两个人吃的话,就可以多加点菜和肉,我就加入了肥牛、亲亲肠、平菇、老豆腐、油豆腐、粉丝等,满满的的一大锅,够两个人吃得饱饱滴! 喜欢吃火锅又不想洗碗刷锅的宝宝们不妨试试这款自热小火锅哦! # 今日份家常菜 #