# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Coconut brand coconut milk is really delicious, I like to drink coconut milk with a strong flavor 🥥 This one suits my taste very well, it doesn’t matter whether it has any preservatives added or not, it doesn’t matter to me It’s not like drinking water every day, hhh, but once in a while, I’m still very satisfied. When I eat hot pot or something, I feel that my mouth is dry and greasy. It’s especially refreshing.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 椰树牌的椰汁是真的很好喝啊,我就很喜欢喝那种味道浓郁的椰汁🥥这款就很迎合我的口味 害管它有没有添加啥防腐剂 对我来说不重要 又不是每天当水喝hhh 偶尔喝一次还是很满足的 吃火锅啥的觉得口比较干比较腻的时候就会喝这个 特别爽😆