# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # A full day starts with breakfast 🌞 Today, I cooked millet porridge with the aroma health pot. I tried it and it was successful. Every day is a new start and new expectation! When I woke up in the morning, I went downstairs and used a health pot to use a little less boiling water, and there were about two cups of water left. I grabbed two small handfuls of yellow rice and washed it, poured it directly into the health pot, added a few slices of astragalus, and started to boil at the 13th gear. It seems to be 45 minutes. After washing, I will pull up and I will hear the sound of the health pot, and then it will automatically enter the heat preservation state, oh my! So convenient! My mom can go home! As soon as I entered the kitchen, I smelled the fragrance of astragalus, which was so comfortable. I remembered that I forgot to put wolfberry and red dates when I saw the cooked porridge. The Aroma health pot is so amazing! Usually cook millet porridge, especially the small pot, you have to keep it there, otherwise it will overflow everywhere. Millet porridge nourishes the stomach and digests food, and also has a lot of amino acids, protein, vitamin B, etc. ~~ very suitable This cold winter comes with a bowl of warming and nourishing. My stomach has never been very good. When I drink thin porridge, I will swell up, so any porridge likes to be thicker. With the health pot from now on, my breakfast will be settled. No need to eat toast every day!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 元气满满的一天从早餐开始🌞 今天用aroma养生壶煮了小米粥,随便试试就成功了,每天都是新的开始新的期待!一早醒来先下楼用养生壶少了点开水,剩下两杯水左右,直接抓了两小把黄米淘干净,直接倒进养生壶,又加了几片黄芪,用13档开始熬煮,好像是45分钟,洗漱完做了会拉升的动作,就听见养生壶滴滴的响,然后自动进入保温状态,妈呀!太方便了!我妈可以回国了!一进厨房就闻到黄芪的香味,太舒服了.看到熬好的粥才想起来忘记放枸杞红枣了.aroma养生壶太让我惊艳了!平常煮小米粥,特别是小锅那种,你必须得守在那,要不然溢的到处都是.小米粥养胃消食,还有大量的氨基酸和蛋白质,维生素B之类的~~很适合这个寒冷的冬天来一碗暖胃又养生,我肠胃一向不怎么好,一喝稀的粥就会胀,所以任何粥都喜欢稠一点.有了养生壶从今往后我的早餐有着落了,不用在天天啃吐司了!