# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Sago is my favorite small ingredient to add to all kinds of desserts. Such as mango sago, milk sago, papaya sago and other desserts. Because it is not only delicious. It also contains a lot of carbohydrates. There are also small amounts of protein, fat and vitamins. The most important thing for me is that sago helps gastrointestinal motility. That is to say, the bowel movement is smooth. Haha. Such a small packet. It can cook a large pot. I will cook half a pot every time. Then put it full of food. This sago is called Cock Brand. I think it's pretty well cooked. Today, by the way, I will share with you the key points of cooking sago. Be sure to pour the sago after the water has boiled. Otherwise, it will stick together. Then stir well. Then change to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes or so. Then rinse once with cold water. You can add to your favorite ingredients. I am just simple today Pour the cooked sago into the yogurt and eat together. Delicious and healthy. That's what supper is like.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 西米露是我平常最爱往各种甜品里加的小食材. 比如芒果西米露.牛奶西米.木瓜西米等等甜品. 因为它不仅好吃.还含有大量的碳水化合物存在的. 同时还有少量的蛋白质、脂肪和维生素. 对我来说最重要的是西米露能够帮助肠胃蠕动. 也就是排便顺畅.哈哈. 这样一小包.可以煮出一大锅的量哦. 我每次都会煮半锅.然后放着满满食. 这款西米叫Cock Brand. 我觉得蛮好煮的. 今天顺便跟大家分享煮西米的重点. 一定要在水开了以后才能倒入西米. 不然的话会黏糊在一起哦. 然后搅拌均匀. 再换成小火闷10来分钟出锅. 然后在用冷水冲洗一次. 就可以往你喜欢的食材里添加了. 我今天就只是简单的 把煮好的西米露倒入yogurt里一起吃. 好吃又健康. 夜宵就是这样了.