# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #haidilao spicy green pepper hotpot, different taste A few days ago, I didn’t go out to have a big meal at home during the New Year’s Eve. My husband and I made a simple hot pot at home. We bought Haidilao hot pot ingredients on Yamibuy in advance, and went to the supermarket to buy sesame paste, fat beef, and meatballs. , all kinds of vegetables, etc., all the ingredients are ready in half an hour. I have bought Haidilao Qingyou hot pot base, Mala fragrant pot base, Mushroom Sanxian hot pot base and tomato hot pot base before. Every taste is delicious. My favorite is the clear oil hot pot base. The Haidilao spicy green pepper hot pot base that I bought this time is a new taste. I tried it for the first time. I thought it would be very spicy. The soup base would have a lot of green peppers and green peppers. It is dark yellow, more like a pickled pepper pot. It smells like pickled pepper. I thought it would be very spicy, but in fact, the spiciness is very low, and the taste is very light. However, it is quite comfortable to eat a non-spicy hot pot occasionally. Tahini dipping sauce is not recommended to buy the prepared one, because there are a lot of preservatives in it, and the taste and smell are a bit strange. It is recommended to buy Weiquan sesame paste and fermented bean curd, add a little water, stir well, add some smashed minced garlic, chopped green onion, coriander and sesame oil, the taste is very good, not inferior to the sesame sauce dipping sauce in hot pot restaurants, fresh and delicious 🥰 🥰
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #海底捞麻辣青椒火锅,不一样的滋味 前几天过小年宅家没出门吃大餐,和老公两个人就在家里简单搞了一个火锅,提前在亚米网上买了海底捞火锅底料,去超市买了芝麻酱,肥牛,丸子、各式蔬菜等,半小时就全部食材准备完毕。 之前买过海底捞清油火锅底料、麻辣香锅底料、菌菇三鲜火锅底料以及番茄火锅底料,每一个口味都挺好吃的,最爱的还是清油火锅底料。 这次买的海底捞麻辣青椒火锅底料是新口味,第一次尝试,本以为会很辣,汤底会是有很多绿花椒和青椒之类的,结果有点出乎我的意料,汤底呈深黄色,更像泡椒锅,闻起来也是泡椒味,以为会很辣,但其实辣度很低,味道反而很清淡,不过偶尔吃吃不辣的火锅也蛮舒服的。 芝麻酱蘸料不推荐买那种调好了的,因为里面放了很多防腐剂,味道和气味都有点怪。推荐买味全的芝麻酱再加腐乳调配,加一点点水,搅拌均匀,再加点捣碎的蒜末、葱花、香菜和香油,味道非常好,不输火锅店的芝麻酱蘸料,新鲜又美味🥰🥰