# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #鄄 Spicy Fragrant Pot Kuaishou Recipe Sharing What should I do if I have a lot of dishes left after making hot pot at home, let’s make spicy hot pot! Here I will share with you a quick-hand version of the spicy hot pot recipe. After many arguments by my husband and many friends, it tastes better than ordinary restaurants 😋 🍀Main ingredients: Basically, you can put meat and vegetables in the fragrant pot, but if you want the fragrant pot to be delicious, it is best to have seafood (shrimp or fresh squid) or mushrooms. In addition, if the meat is pork or beef, it is recommended to be thin slices, and thick slices need to be de-bloated or marinated. Bacon sausages are recommended, it will be delicious. 🍀Ingredients: 3 or 4 scallions, half garlic (no need to chop), 5 or 6 slices of ginger, soy sauce (add light and dark soy sauce according to personal taste, generally two tablespoons of light soy sauce and one tablespoon of dark soy sauce), one Chinese prickly ash Put (red or green), a handful of dried peppers (you can add more if you want to be very spicy), two tablespoons of sesame oil, Haidilao Qingyou hot pot or spicy incense pot base, coriander (optional), edible A small bowl of oil. 🍀 The practice is as follows: 🌿1. Slap the garlic a few times with a knife to remove the skin, no need to cut it. Only the white part of the green onion is left and cut into sections, and the green part can be chopped as a decoration. Cut ginger into thick slices. Other vegetables can be cut into desired size according to your needs. Refer to Figure 3. 🌿2. Boil water. Except for meat, mushrooms, sausages, ham, seafood and other ingredients that are fresh or cannot be overcooked (green vegetables), all other ingredients need to be boiled in boiling water in advance. 🌿3. Put an appropriate amount of cooking oil in the pot (according to the amount of ingredients, refer to Figure 3, basically enough to fry a whole pot) and pepper, heat it on low heat until the pepper emits green smoke or changes color, then put the pepper Remove the grains, pour in the onion, ginger, garlic and dried chili and fry for a minute or two until fragrant. Pour in about two tablespoons of Haidilao base material (depending on the amount of vegetables) and stir fry evenly. 🌿4. Add seafood, meat slices, mushrooms in turn, stir fry for about two or three minutes, wait for the meat slices and seafood to be basically cooked (discolored), pick up the meat slices and seafood, and the mushrooms can be kept in the pot, and then put in the blanched water For other dishes, stir fry for five or six minutes, mix well, and finally add fresh green vegetables, stir fry for about three or four minutes, and when the green vegetables are almost cooked, add meat and seafood (ham and bacon have salt, generally only Just add it when it is about to come out of the pan, leave it out here), stir fry for two or three minutes, add soy sauce and sesame oil, and finally add bacon and luncheon meat and fry for two or three minutes, and it’s ready to serve! 🌿5. Sprinkle coriander and sesame seeds on a plate, and you're done!
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yami_featured_image # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #美味麻辣香锅快手版菜谱分享 在家搞完火锅还剩很多菜怎么办,麻辣香锅搞起来!这里分享给大家一个快手版麻辣香锅做法,经过老公和多个朋友多次论证,比一般饭馆味道要好😋 🍀主食材:香锅里放什么食材基本上有肉有菜就行,不过如果想要香锅鲜美最好有海鲜(虾或者新鲜鱿鱼)或者蘑菇提味。此外,肉类如果是猪肉牛肉,建议是薄片,厚片需要去血水或者腌制。培根香肠都建议放,会很好吃。 🍀配料:葱白三四根,蒜半个(不需要切碎),姜五六片,酱油(生抽老抽根据个人口味添加,一般生抽两勺,老抽一勺即可),花椒一把(红的,青的都可以),干辣椒一把(想要很辣的可以多放),香油两勺,海底捞清油火锅或者麻辣香锅底料均可,香菜(可选),食用油一小碗。 🍀做法如下: 🌿1. 蒜用刀拍几下,去掉皮即可,不需要切开。葱只留葱白切成段,绿色部分最后可以切碎作为装盘点缀。姜切成厚片。其他蔬菜根据自身需求切成想要的大小即可。参考图三。 🌿2.焯水。除了肉、蘑菇、香肠、火腿、海鲜等提鲜或者不能煮过头(青菜)的食材外,其他都需要事先用开水焯水煮熟。 🌿3.锅里放入适量的食用油(根据食材量多少放,参考图三,基本上能满足炒一整锅需求)和花椒,小火加热至花椒冒青烟或者全部变色,然后将花椒粒去掉,倒入葱姜蒜和干辣椒炒一两分钟直到香味溢出。倒入海底捞底料大约两大勺(根据菜量决定),翻炒均匀。 🌿4. 依次放入海鲜,肉片,蘑菇,翻炒大约两三分钟,等肉片和海鲜基本熟了(变色),将肉片和海鲜捞起来,蘑菇类可以留锅里,再放入已经焯水过的其他菜,翻炒五六分钟,混合均匀,最后放入新鲜的青菜,翻炒大约三四分钟,等青菜快熟了时倒入肉片海鲜等(火腿和培根因为本身有盐,一般只在快出锅时才加入,这里先不放),翻炒两三分钟后加入酱油和香油,最后放入培根和午餐肉再炒两三分钟就可以出锅了! 🌿5.装盘撒上香菜和芝麻粒,大功告成!