# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I was super satisfied after eating Hua Muzi's Exue Mei Niang flower cake last time Some time ago, I saw that the egg yolk rose flower cake was discounted, so I quickly placed the order Fragrant meringue on the outside The texture is very rich when you bite down, but not too thick It's the kind of crust that's soft, not crispy. There is a thick layer of flower cake in the middle, which is quite chewy In the middle is the egg yolk. Unlike ordinary egg yolk pastry, there is a whole egg yolk in it It's more like the liquid heart in the liquid custard bun. The smell of egg yolk is still quite obvious Because I saw many people in the product review area saying that the egg yolk taste is not obvious I didn't have high expectations before eating But it was a pleasant surprise to take a bite. Can clearly taste the taste of both egg yolk and rose Huamuzi series are short-term products with a 90-day shelf life This arrives 2/8 and expires 2/21 Because it is nearing the expiration date, it is directly folded in half My male ticket and I both love this kind of thing for breakfast. So don't worry about expiry It can be eaten in a few days, and the price is very high This batch of expired 2/21 looks to be sold out so far Looking forward to the next batch of Huamuzi replenishment Especially want to eat purple potato rose flower cake!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 上次吃了花木子的额雪媚娘鲜花饼之后超级满足 前段时间看到蛋黄玫瑰鲜花饼打折了就赶紧下单 外面一层香喷喷的酥皮 咬下去层次感很丰富但是不会太厚 是酥软不是酥脆的那种外壳 中间是厚厚的一层鲜花饼 挺有嚼劲 再往中间就是蛋黄啦 不像普通的蛋黄酥里有一颗完整的蛋黄 更像是流心奶黄包里的流心干一点的样子 蛋黄味还是比较明显的 因为在商品评论区看到很多人说蛋黄味不明显 我吃之前期望值不是特别高 但是一口咬下去还是蛮惊喜的 能明显吃出both蛋黄和玫瑰的味道 花木子系列都是短保商品 90天保质期 这款2/8到货 2/21过期 因为临近过期了所以直接对折 我和男票早餐都特别爱吃这种东西 所以不太担心过期的问题 没几天就能吃完 性价比超高 这一批2/21过期的货目前看起来已经全部售罄 好期待下一批花木子补货呀 特别想吃紫薯玫瑰鲜花饼!