# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I bought this package of snail noodles entirely because of the text on the package. Although the text doesn't make sense logically, it's very interesting! 😄😄😄 I have eaten the yellow packaged version of picture 5 before. I love the snails. The sauce package is very large. I put all of them. I added black fungus, yuba, radish, luncheon meat, and a little cabbage. The taste is quite strong, too rich and full of house. It's all flavor. I haven't tasted it yet. It smells amazing. After eating it, I found out that this snail noodle has a very heavy taste, too salty and too heavy. I am so thirsty after eating it. After the experience, I know that the next time the sauce package can only be put in half, so that it can be eaten twice, which is also a saving. 😃 This crayfish tastes, and if you look closely, it is actually a Haohuanluo brand. Fortunately, I have the previous experience. I know that the heavy-tasting Haohuanluo must not be finished. However, the strange thing is that the crayfish taste comes with The snail powder sauce package was only a little bit tight. I thought it was leaking when I first took it. I checked carefully and there was no trace of leakage, but there was an extra package of lobster flavor seasoning. I said that I can't put all of it. I only put one third of the crayfish sauce package, and then the snail powder sauce package was all put because there was only a little sauce. I didn't report much hope because I was afraid that the taste would be too heavy, but it turned out well. Very fragrant crayfish flavor, I was pleasantly surprised, I quickly tried it, and I felt it was very spicy at first (I never put spicy oil in the bag, I dare not eat spicy), but this crayfish tasted beyond my expectations. I don't feel spicy anymore, it's really delicious, I think it tastes better than the yellow packaging, it would be better if it wasn't so spicy 😃 A pack of crayfish seasoning is eaten in 3 times, so although the original price of a packet of crayfish and snail noodles is not cheap, it can be considered affordable by dividing it into 3 times. I sometimes wonder, when will I be able to sell the snail powder sauce package directly! hahaha 😄
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 买这包螺蛳粉,完全是因为包装上的这句文案,虽然文案从逻辑上有点说不通,但是很有意思啊!😄😄😄 之前吃过图5黄色包装款好欢螺,酱包很大一包我全放了,加了黑木耳,腐竹,萝卜,午餐肉,包菜少许,煮出来味道相当浓郁,太浓郁了满屋子都是味,还没吃,光闻着就香得出奇,吃起来才发现,这款螺蛳粉口味相当重,太咸太重口味了,我这个清淡口的吃得渴得慌,有了经验后,就知道下次酱料包只能放一半,这样可以分开吃两次,也算节省了。😃 这款小龙虾味道的,仔细一看居然是好欢螺牌,幸好有上一次的经验,知道重口味的好欢螺千万不能把料包放完,但是奇怪的是,小龙虾口味里配的螺蛳粉酱包憋憋的只有很少一点,刚拿着还以为是漏了的,仔细查看并无漏的痕迹,但是多了一包龙虾味调料包,满满一大包,对我来说肯定不能全放,我只放了小龙虾酱包的三分之一,然后螺蛳粉酱包因为只有一点点酱就全放了,本来没报多大希望因为害怕口味太重,结果煮出来好香好大的小龙虾味呀,很惊喜,赶紧试吃,开始觉得挺辣的(辣油包我从来不放,不敢吃辣),但是这款小龙虾味道实在出乎我意料的好吃,辣都不觉得了,确实好吃,我感觉比黄色包装更好吃,如果不那么辣就更好了😃 一包小龙虾调料分3次吃,所以一包小龙虾螺蛳粉虽然原价不便宜,但是分成3次吃,也算实惠了吧,自己加粉加配菜。 我有时候就在想,啥时候能直接卖螺蛳粉酱料包的就好了!哈哈哈😄