# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Safe Warrior Disposable Mask $12.99 Medical grade disposable masks, bacterial filtration rate exceeds 98%! Three layers of protection can effectively filter particulate matter in the air, allowing you to breathe freely and at ease! Selected fabrics, comfortable and skin-friendly, the skin is dry and comfortable! I feel that it is a little thicker than ordinary daily masks, and it looks very comfortable in blue, and it is more reassuring! YQ is endless, these are all daily essentials!
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Safe Warrior 一次性防护口罩 $12.99 医用级别一次性口罩,细菌过滤率超过98%!三层防护,能有效过滤空气中的颗粒物,呼吸畅快安心!精选面料,舒适亲肤,皮肤干爽舒适! 我感觉比普通日常使用的口罩厚一丢丢,看起来让人很舒服的蓝色,也更安心! YQ没完没了,这都是日常必备的!