# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Crab meat tofu soup, made ginger and onion lobster, and made soup from the remaining lobster head paste. It is simple and delicious, but the artifact of balsamic vinegar must not be missing. Very outstanding, love it! Ingredients: a little celery, a tomato, two eggs, a box of landscape tofu, a few pieces of crab meat, three lobster head paste (use a spoon to dig out the paste from the lobster head), a little glutinous rice flour (sweet potato powder and water and stir well) Heat oil in a hot pan to fry the celery fragrance, add tomatoes, add water to boil, put tofu and boil ➕ glutinous rice flour, stir it with a spoon, add glutinous rice flour according to the consistency you like, and finally add lobster paste, add some seasonings Salt, chicken essence, and pepper will be fine after opening. Add the balsamic vinegar when you eat it, because the balsamic vinegar will erase the original flavor of the balsamic vinegar due to the high temperature, so it must be eaten immediately. The color of the tofu soup with balsamic vinegar has changed, and it looks more appetizing. Balsamic vinegar is suitable for cold dishes, but I really like the fragrance of this balsamic vinegar, and it is not very sour, and my teeth will not fight.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 蟹肉豆腐羹,做了姜葱龙虾,就把剩下的龙虾头里的膏做了汤,简单又好喝,但绝不能少了香醋这神器,香醋不会很酸,醋的香味很突出,很喜欢!材料:少许芹菜、一个西红柿、两颗鸡蛋、一盒山水豆腐、几条蟹肉、三个龙虾头膏(用勺子把龙虾头里的膏都挖出来),少许芡粉(地瓜粉加水搅匀)热锅下油把芹菜香味炒出来,放西红柿炒一下,加水煮开,放豆腐煮开后➕芡粉,用勺子搅动下,看自己喜欢的粘稠度加芡粉,最后下龙虾膏,加点调味料盐、鸡精、胡椒粉,开了后就好了,香醋在吃的时候加,因为香醋会因为高温而抹去香醋原有的香味,所以一定要在吃的时候放立马吃.加了香醋的豆腐羹颜色都变了,看了更有食欲.香醋适合做冷菜,但我很喜欢这种香醋的香,而且不会很酸,牙齿就不会打战.