# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #🧨New Year’s Dinner for Rabbit🧨㊗️ There is more than one year, and everything comes true This year's Lunar New Year's 30 is a working day. Fortunately, work is not very busy. My husband and I don't have to prepare a lot of meals. It is rare to prepare four hard dishes for the New Year! The first hard dish is of course braised pomfret 🐠, which means that there is more than enough every year, take a good omen! For the method, see the previous sharing of drying goods. The method is simple but very fragrant and delicious. The main dish is the first choice for New Year's Eve! 🥰🥰🥰 The second dish is Chiba Tofu with Bacon. Bacon is a must-have dish for people in Hunan. I don’t know how to cook it myself. Eat, the taste is very similar to its sausage, but the meat is more Q-bounce, it is highly recommended! Chiba tofu is tender and smooth, I like it very much, bacon with tofu, plus onions, green peppers, carrots, fragrant and delicious, very delicious! The third dish is the Cantonese-style roasted duck 🦆. This half of the duck was bought directly from the supermarket. The skin is crispy and fragrant, and the meat is tender and delicious. I always like to eat his roast pork, and it is indispensable for Chinese New Year! 🥰🥰 The fourth dish is the rose oil chicken🐔, which is a finished product bought in the supermarket. The rose oil chicken is my favorite roast meat item besides roast duck. The chicken is very fragrant and tender, and I usually buy it when I don’t cook. The sauce that was given is also very good, and I want to buy it during the Chinese New Year! ! However, the most popular ones are the first two dishes, which were quickly swept away. The ingredients are very solid. After eating the two dishes, the roast meat, which is usually very fragrant, suddenly loses its appeal and can only be used as the next meal tomorrow. Hey 😄😄 Finally, I wish everyone a Happy New Year 🧧🧧🧧🧧㊗️ Fairies and babies, happy new year, good luck in the year of the ox, healthy and happy every day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ # 今日份家常菜 #
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #🧨兔子的新年晚餐🧨㊗️年年有余,心想事成 今年的大年三十是工作日,好在工作不是很忙,我和老公两个人不用准备很多饭菜,难得过年还是准备了四道硬菜! 第一道硬菜当然是红烧鲳鱼🐠,寓意年年有余,取个好兆头!做法见之前的晒货分享,做法简单但非常鲜香入味,年夜饭首选大菜!🥰🥰🥰 第二道菜是腊肉烩千叶豆腐,腊肉是湖南人过年必备的菜品,我不会自己做,在亚米网上买了一块喜上喜的腊肉,是广式口味,微甜但很好吃,口感和它家的腊肠很像,但肉感更Q弹,很推荐!千叶豆腐口感嫩滑Q弹,我非常喜欢吃,腊肉配豆腐,再加上洋葱、青椒、胡萝卜,又香又下饭,非常美味! 第三道是广式明炉烧鸭🦆,这个直接超市买的半只,表皮脆香,肉感鲜嫩入味,平时一直很喜欢吃他家的烧腊,过年也少不了它啦!🥰🥰 第四道是玫瑰油鸡🐔,是在超市买的成品,玫瑰油鸡是除烧鸭之外最喜欢的烧腊单品,鸡肉很香,口感很嫩,平时不做饭基本都会买它,送的酱汁也很下饭,过年也要买它!! 不过最受欢迎的还是现做的头两道菜,很快被扫光,食材很扎实,吃完两道菜后平时觉得特别香的烧腊顿时失去了吸引力,只能当明天的下饭菜喽😄😄 最后给大家拜个年🧧🧧🧧🧧㊗️仙女宝宝们新年快乐,牛年大吉大利,健康幸福每一天!❤️❤️❤️❤️ # 今日份家常菜 #