# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # New Year's Eve Desserts Eat something sweet to relieve tiredness. I thought my mother would make lotus root flour dumplings this year, but I didn't expect them to be ordinary dumplings, but they were also delicious. I immediately took out my dessert artifact, sweet-scented osmanthus! I especially like the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. The neighbors planted a wow-sun, and the fragrance of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus floats thousands of miles when it blooms! Some glutinous rice balls are filled with white sugar and some with brown sugar. Brown sugar is more delicious. Peanut and sesame seeds are eaten with lard. It is delicious. Sprinkle some sweet-scented osmanthus in the soup. It has a faint fragrance of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus. I like sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus very much, because sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus can warm To dispel the cold in the stomach, you can usually drink it with boiled water, no matter how good it is, it is not easy to eat more.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 年夜饭甜品 吃点甜的解解腻,我以为今年老妈会做藕粉汤圆,没想到就是普通汤圆,不过也很好吃,立马拿出我的甜品神器,桂花!特喜欢桂花的清香,邻居家种了颗哇晒每到开花的时候,桂花香飘万里!汤圆内陷有的是白糖有的是黑糖,黑糖的更好吃,有花生芝麻吃的出来是用猪油,好吃,再撒点桂花在汤里,淡淡的桂花香,我很喜欢桂花,因为桂花能暖胃散寒,平常也可以泡开水喝,再好的东西多吃都是不易的哈.