# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Eight Treasure Porridge is here! Yamibuy.com really has everything that can be used to make Babao porridge. You can't buy it without you, only you can't think of it, haha😊 Let me show you, what ingredients did I use to make the eight-treasure porridge? In fact, it is far more than eight treasures... Let’s start with the most basic rice first 🍲 Rice, glutinous rice, millet, black rice, barley, barley, quinoa, oats, red beans, red beans, black beans, chickpeas, green peas, peanuts, red dates, longan, lotus seeds, dried cranberries, raisins, black sesame seeds ...to count already more than 20 😄😄 What are you waiting for, go to Yamibuy.com to choose the ingredients for making eight-treasure porridge. In the cold winter, a bowl of hot eight-treasure porridge will warm your stomach and heart😄
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 八宝粥来啦! 做八宝粥能用到的食材,亚米网真的是应有尽有,没有你买不到,只有你想不到,哈哈😊 给你们看一看,我做八宝粥都用了哪些食材呢?细细数来其实已经远不止八宝啦... 首先从最基本的大米开始吧🍲 大米,糯米,小米,黑米,薏米,大麦,藜麦,燕麦,小红豆,大红豆,黑豆,小鸡豆,绿豌豆,花生,红枣,龙眼,莲子,蔓越莓干,葡萄干,黑芝麻...数一数已经超过20种了😄😄 还等什么呢,赶紧去亚米网挑选做八宝粥的食材吧,寒冷的冬天,一碗热腾腾的八宝粥,暖胃又暖心😄