# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Eating rice cakes during Chinese New Year, this Korean tumbler brand's spicy fried rice cakes are so delicious! 😄😄😄😄😄 The bag is big, and it contains two rice cakes, two kimchi-flavored sauce packets, and two mysterious foods like seafood-flavored tofu skins. That is, there are two servings in one big bag. I have a light taste. I also added white radish strips in one portion and cooked it together with the rice cakes. They are cooked very quickly, a little spicy, with the taste of Korean kimchi. The rice cakes are one by one. Still chewy. The Korean Tumbler brand has many kinds of food, and the quality is very good. I like it 😊
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 过年吃年糕,这款韩国不倒翁品牌的辣炒年糕,太好吃了! 😄😄😄😄😄 包装袋很大,里面有年糕两份,韩国泡菜味调料酱包两份,还有像海鲜味的豆腐皮似的神秘食物两份。也就是说,一大包里面有两次的份量。 我口味清淡,在一份里面还自己加了白萝卜条,和年糕一起煮,很快就熟了,有点点微辣,韩国泡菜的味道,年糕一条一条的,口感特别好,软糯的同时又不失嚼劲。 韩国不倒翁这个牌子的食品种类多,质量都挺好的呢,喜欢😊