# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Meiji two-color chocolate bar also likes this small "bucket", delicious and fun, and the packaging is cute and eye-catching! Two-color is definitely the best choice, chocolate and strawberry flavors are not monotonous, kachakacha crispy biscuit sticks➕Chocolate, the joy of being wrapped in chocolate! If you are tired of eating, change to a sweet and sour strawberry jam. It melts in your mouth. The jam will be too sweet when you eat it alone. It is just right with the crispy stick. happy 😃
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # meiji 双色巧克力棒 也喜欢这种小“桶”装,好吃又好玩,包装可爱又吸睛!双色肯定是最佳选择,巧克力和草莓味,吃起来不单调,咔嚓咔嚓脆饼干棒➕巧克力,被巧克力包裹的快乐!吃腻了换一酸酸甜甜草莓酱,入口即化,单吃酱会偏甜,配合脆棒刚刚好,每次看到剩下的酱不挖完都不死心,一口一咔嚓吃的太开心了😃